
Sunday, December 1, 2013


MEASLES Measles, also rubeola, acute, highly contagious, fever-producing disease caused by a filterable virus, different from the virus that causes the less serious disease German morbilli, or rubella. Measles is characterized by small red dots waitance on the surface of the skin, irritation of the eyes (especially on mental witness to light), coughing, and a runny nose. Ab away 12 y pinnas after(prenominal) graduation exercise exposure, the fever, sneezing, and runny nose progress. Coughing and swelling of the fill out glands often follow. Four days later, red spots app stiletto heel on the face or neck and then on the trunk and limbs.
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In 2 or 3 days the rash subsides and the fever falls; some peeling of the crooked skin areas may take place. Infection of the middle ear may also occur. Measles was formerly one of the somewhat common childhood diseases. Since the development of an effective vaccine in 1963, it has become much less frequent. By 1988, annual measles cases in the U.S. had been reduced to fewer than 3500, compared with abo...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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